Transitional Care is a ward within the maternity unit that cares for newborn babies and their mums who for many reasons may need some extra additional clinical care.
These include babies who are:
Mums and babies are all ways kept together on TC unless baby requires extra care in NICU.
The friendly clinical ward team consists of Midwives, Nursery nurses, Health care assistants and a Paediatrician who is based on the ward daily from 9am-4pm to ensure that families get the best care during their stay.
On the ward the infant feeding team play an important role in supporting breast feeding mothers and babies, though all staff are trained in offering this support as well.
The ward has 14 beds with a mixture of en-suite single rooms and 4-bedded bays were partners can also stay overnight in a recliner chair to offer extra support.
Staff are highly committed to ensuring families receive excellent care , and we are proud of the accolade of ‘Outstanding’ awarded by our latest inspection for Caring, Responsive, Effective & Safe practice.
Location: Level 1 in the women and children’s centre at Peterborough City Hospital, opposite the Delivery Suite.
Telephone: 01733 677331 or 01733 677332.
Our friendly team of midwives look after babies who need slightly more care than the routine care on our maternity inpatient ward, but do not require the full care of our Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
These babies could include small babies weighing 1800-2200g, jaundice babies, babies requiring IV antibiotics and babies of a well-controlled Diabetic mother, including Gestational Diabetes.
Our Transitional Care Ward enables babies to remain with their mothers while receiving the specialist care they require.
Ward facilities:
Most babies who require care on Transitional Care will remain with us for at least 48hrs, this will vary depending on why you baby requires Transitional Care.
Before you are discharged your baby will need a physical examination by a paediatrician and to be discharged from paediatric care. Your midwife will need to complete your and your baby’s daily check to ensure that you are both fit to be discharged from hospital.
Your baby will also be offered a hearing screen prior to discharge, however may need an outpatient appointment if the hearing screening team do not get a clear response, this does not mean there is a problem with your babies hearing, it could be that there is still fluid inside the ear from delivery. If it has been recommended for your baby to a BCG vaccination, this will also be given prior to discharge.
Once all checks have been completed, your midwife will need to complete your discharge paperwork. You will be given information by your midwife about follow up visits from both your Community Midwife and Health Visitor. You will also be given advice on safe sleeping, smoking and childhood illnesses. You will be given telephone numbers to contact the maternity helpline if you have any concerns or your do not receive a visit from your Community Midwife the day following your discharge.
A car seat should be used for taking baby home.
Transitional Care facilities are located within the Lilac Ward and cares for newborn babies and their mums who for many reasons may need some extra additional clinical care.
These include babies who are:
Mums and babies are all ways kept together on Lilac unless baby requires extra care in SCBU.