This is your pregnancy. We will of course observe your birth choices, keeping it in the forefront of your maternity care. However if any concerns arise during one of your visits this will be discussed with you in-depth so you are able to make an informed choice about your care and an agreed plan can be made.
The Antenatal Day Unit at Peterborough City Hospital is open 7 days a week Monday- Friday 8am- 6pm and during the weekend 8am- 4pm.
The Antenatal Day Unit is staffed by midwives at maternity care assistants and provides care by pre- booked appointment.
Flu and whooping cough vaccinations are provided within the department; please call the Maternity Helpline on 01733 677266.
Sonography services are provided by radiographers with advanced training in obstetric scanning. They are supported by Obstetric and Fetal Medicine consultants as well as the Consultant Obstetric Sonographer.
If you live outside the Peterborough City hospital catchment area – please have a read of this leaflet: NWAngliaFT patient leaflet
The Maternity Day Assessment Unit at Hinchingbrooke is open Monday to Friday 8.30am - 6pm.
The unit is staffed by a team of midwives and maternity support workers and provides care for women requiring a pre- booked appointment.
Flu vaccination and whooping cough vaccinations are provided within the department; please call 01480 442830 and select option 2 if you wish to book an appointment. Vaccinations can be offered on the day of scan or maternity day assessment unit appointment.
Sonography services are provided by Advanced Midwifery Sonography Practitioners who are supported by Fetal Medicine consultants as well as the Consultant Obstetric Sonographer. Sonography services run Monday- Friday 8.30am- 5pm
If you live outside the Hinchingbrooke hospital catchment area – please have a read of this leaflet: NWAngliaFT patient leaflet
All service users are offered ultrasound examinations (scans) during their pregnancy to provide an estimated due date, to detect multiple pregnancy and to check the baby’s development.
Ultrasound scans use sound waves to build a picture of the baby in the womb. The scans are painless, have no known side effects on mothers/parents or babies, and can be carried out at any stage of pregnancy. Talk to your midwife, GP or obstetrician about any concerns you have.
Having a scan in pregnancy is usually a happy event but be aware that ultrasound scans may detect some serious health conditions, so try to be prepared for that information.
What will happen at the scan?
Most scans are carried out by sonographers. The scan is carried out in a dimly lit room, so the sonographer is able to get good images of your baby.
You'll be asked to lie on your back and reveal your abdomen.
The sonographer will put ultrasound gel on your abdomen, which makes sure there is good contact between the machine and your skin.
The sonographer passes a probe over your abdomen and an image of the baby will appear on the ultrasound screen.
During the exam, sonographers need to keep the screen in a position that gives them a good view of the baby.
The sonographer will carefully examine your baby's body. The sonographer may need to apply slight pressure on your tummy to get the best views of the baby.
How long will a scan take?
A scan usually takes around 20 to 30 minutes. However, the sonographer may not be able to get good views if your baby is lying in an awkward position or moving around a lot.
If it's difficult to get a good image, the scan may take longer or must be repeated at another time.
When are scans offered?
Hospitals in England offer at least 2 ultrasound scans during pregnancy:
The first scan is sometimes called the dating scan. The sonographer estimates when your baby is due (the estimated date of delivery, or EDD) based on the baby's measurements.
The dating scan can include a nuchal translucency (NT) scan, which is part of the combined screening test for Down's syndrome, if you choose to have this screening.
The second scan offered during pregnancy usually takes place between 18 and 21 weeks of pregnancy. It's sometimes called the mid-pregnancy scan. This scan checks for 11 physical conditions in your baby.
You may be offered more than 2 scans, depending on your health and the pregnancy. You can find out more about the 12-week dating scan and the 20-week or mid-pregnancy scan.
Do I have to have ultrasound scans?
No, not if you do not want to. Some people want to find out if their baby is more likely to have a condition, while others do not. The 12-week dating scan and 20-week scan will be offered to you, but you do not have to have them.
Your choice will be respected if you decide not to have the scans, and your antenatal care will continue as normal. You'll be given the chance to discuss it with your maternity team before making your decision.
Can I bring family or friends with me when I have the scan?
Yes. You may like someone to come with you to the scan appointment.
Children are not permitted to attend scans as childcare is unavailable.
An ultrasound scan is an important medical examination, and it is treated in the same way as any other hospital investigation. Ultrasound scans can sometimes detect abnormalities with the baby.
Consultant led appoints at Peterborough City Hospital are held in the Antenatal Outpatient Department in the Women and Children's atrium.
Consultant-led appointments at Hinchingbrooke are held in The Treatment Centre in the green zone. Many of these appointments are conducted via telephone/video based.
Face to face appointments are provided based upon clinical need.
Due to the community venues we use for these appointments, and the restrictions placed upon us by the owners of these premises, and the size of the rooms we are not able to have partners at these appointments. Where women need additional support for the appointment we are under taking risk assessments and can put specific arrangements in place on a case by case basis.
This is not the complete list and our midwives are there for advice if the women are concerned.