Our Council of Governors

Governors are the 'voice' of members of partner organisations in the running of our hospitals, so our hospital services always reflect the needs and expectations of local people.

Any members over the age of 16 years can nominate themselves to stand for election to the Council of Governors, and then other members will need to vote you in.  A full list of eligibility/qualification criteria is available from nwangliaft.membership@nhs.net  

Our Council of Governors is made up of:

  • Public Governors - elected by Members of the Trust and represent local areas
  • Staff Governors - elected by staff at the Trust
  • Partner Governors - nominated from partner organisations

Responsibilities of the Council of Governors:

  • Hold the Non-Executive Directors and individually and collectively to account for the performance of the Board of Directors
  • Represent the interests of the members of the Trust as a whole and the interests of the public 
  • Ensuring the Trust is operating in accordance with its Terms of Authorisation
  • Advising the Board to effectively determine strategies
  • Appoint Non-Executive Directors including Chair and Deputy Chair 
  • Respond to matters of consultation from the Board
  • Consider the Trust's annual accounts and appoint the Trusts Auditors

Governors can have a wider influence both within and outside of the Trust:

  • Represent the interests and views of our Trust Members in their constituency
  • Play an ambassadorial role, representing the interests of the Trust
  • Help recruit more members
  • Contribute to member communications, surveys and consultations
  • Attend members' meetings, events and talks
  • Attend local events on behalf of the Trust
  • Provide an important link with the local community

The Council of Governors currently meets four times per year in public and is to have three annual members meetings per year, as well as the annual public meeting where members will receive and consider the Trust's annual report and accounts.

Our Public Governors


  • Amanda Buckenham
  • Reverend Kevin Burdett
  • Rob Gardiner
  • Kenneth Leafe
  • Bob Mason
  • Alison Mackie

Greater Peterborough 

  • David Evans
  • Andrew Sneden OBE
  • Anne Molesworth
  • Andrew Small
  • Dr Dharshana Sridhar

Stamford and South Lincolnshire

  • Joe Wey
  • Sue Prior
  • Michelle Nebel
  • Andy Ebdon
  • Mark Underwood

Our Staff Governors

Hinchingbrooke Hospital

  • Michelle Turnball
  • John Boulter
  • Roger Cresswell

Peterborough City Hospital

  • Petros Nyatsanza
  • Linda Parker
  • Elena Loredana Tudose

Stamford and Rutland Hospital

  • Elaine Brock

Our Partner Governors

  • Peterborough City Council - Cllr John Howard
  • Cambridgeshire County Council - vacancy
  • Lincolnshire County Council - Cllr Elizabeth Sneath
  • South Lincolnshire CCG - Rebecca Neno
  • Healthwatch Cambridgeshire and Peterborough - vacancy
  • Cambridgeshire and Peterborough CCG - vacancy

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