In total, we have a team of over 500 incredible volunteers who have contributed over 50,000 hours of unpaid service in various roles last year. We have also recruited 154 new volunteers last year. Our volunteers benefit from experience from different generations, with ages ranging from 16 all the way to 89.
Evidence shows volunteering gives individuals the confidence and social skills to take on new opportunities, and also benefits patients and participating organisations by involving people who arrive bursting with fresh ideas and new approaches.
Recently, new volunteer initiatives have been introduced to facilitate volunteers working in collaboration with other staff and to help patients whilst in the Inpatients and Emergency Departments. Our Emergency Department volunteers grew from a team of 2 to a thriving team of 30 during 2022. The growth we've experienced this year has allowed the trust to support more patients in new ways, including end-of-life support, emotional support in Emergency Departments and connecting patients to loved ones.
Find more about Volunteering in our Trust below!
Our volunteers make a big difference and complement our staff in a variety of roles. Volunteers provide practical and emotional support for patients, staff and visitors every day, and are recognised and valued part of the NHS team. They are integral to the Trust and support its strategic goals: working together, delivering outstanding care and experiences and being an anchor in our local communities. We encourage community members to apply for voluntary work and pro-actively encourage their involvement in our work.
Our Volunteers:
To be considered for any of our opportunities and to become a member of our Voluntary Services Team we ask that you meet the following criteria:
Please be aware that our volunteer office does not manage work experience interests or applications and these should be directed to the relevant department. Click here to learn more about Work Experience.
As a Trust we are committed to offering a safe and fair selective recruitment process with the main aim of recruiting the volunteers that closely matches the skills, experience and time commitment clearly stated in the role descriptions.
Typically the process to becoming a registered Volunteer at the Trust can take 5/6 weeks to complete.
As part of our commitment to safer recruitment volunteers need to:
Once the process and checks have been completed you may be invited to attend any training linked to your specific role and then offered a start date to shadow an experienced volunteer or member of staff.
Volunteers are able to park free of charge only when carrying out volunteer duties, you will receive a volunteer uniform and be issued with an identity badge upon completion of this process.
You can view all our available volunteer roles by clicking on this link:
NWA Current Volunteering Opportunities
If you find a suitable role in the current vacancies, you can submit an application using our online process.
Should you require further assistance to apply or a copy of an easy read application form please contact the hospital’s volunteer office or email our volunteer coordinators for more information.
We look forward to hearing from you!