Having a shared vision and clear values is essential for any organisation to succeed. They provide a target, guide and a benchmark for our Trust which helps us provide the highest quality of care. Having a common purpose and shared values across the organisation can also help foster better understanding and collaboration between staff, helping to drive results and improve patient care.
Please see below for more about our Trust Vision and Values!
Working together to provide outstanding care for our local communities
Our Vision was developed during the formation of the Trust in April 2017, is equally as relevant now and will continue to be what we aim for in the future.
Our Vision is underpinned by the focus of the Health and Care Bill 2021: collaborating with local organisations to design services and address the health and care needs of local communities.
All of our Trust sites will work together with NHS partners in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, South Lincolnshire and Leicestershire and Rutland. We will also work with primary care, local authorities and councils, the voluntary sectors, our staff, and our communities. We believe we can best meet the needs of our communities when our patients can move and access services seamlessly across provider boundaries. Outstanding care is only possible as we transform and develop pathways across our local health and care serives.
As we deliver our Vision, we are guided by our Trust Values that apply to every interaction, decision and action across the organisation .
Our Trust Values highlight the core principles and ideals of our Trust and underpin everything that we do. They establish the kind of people we want to be, the service we hope to provide and how we interact with our stakeholders and community.
The Values were created and selected by members of the public, patients and our staff, and highlight the principles we believe are the most important. They steer the decisions we make and guide the behaviour of our Trust family so we can accomplish our Vision.
We regularly measure ourselves against these Values, at every organisational level, so we can identify how we are living them and where we need to make improvements.
As a Trust we will be clinically led to ensure we deliver on our Values, focusing on how care can be provided most effectively, with the patients needs and care at the centre of every decision.
The North West Anglia Foundation Trust Values are: