This page will help direct Patients of our trust to the information and services they need. Please see below for links to information for types of patients and general patient information.
We also have a page dedicated to providing information to people who are Visiting Our Patients.
If you have been referred to hospital for an operation or test and you need to stay overnight, it means you're being treated as an inpatient.
If you have an appointment with us but aren't staying overnight, it means you're being treated as an outpatient (or, a day patient).
Information on how to manage your appointment
Information on your rights to access your medical records and how to do it
Latest average appointment wait time information for our Trust, as well as helpful advice and support
Information about accessibility and other additional needs
Information for people seeking treatment from abroad
Information about how your personal data is used
A selection of documents and leaflets containing patient information.
The PIDMAS (Patient Initiated Digital Mutual Aid System) offers patients a greater level of choice regarding where they can be treated from.
A tool to improve the quality of care for people whose potential for recovery is uncertain.