Our Publication Scheme

Our Publication Scheme

What is a publication scheme?

The North West Anglia Foundation Trust’s publication scheme provides a guide to the information that is made routinely available to the public. This publication scheme is based on the Information Commissioner’s Model Publication Scheme.

Why have a publication scheme? 

Under Section 19 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA), the Trust has a legal duty to adopt and maintain a publication scheme for information that the Trust has produced. The FOIA’s purpose is to promote greater openness and better decision-making in all public bodies. The NHS and its services being classed as a public body.

Disability and diversity needs

If you require any information in the publication scheme in a larger print, audiotape or in another language or format please contact the corporate governance team on nwangliaft.corporategovernance@nhs.net so that we can assist you with your request.

If you are unable to find an item or need assistance, please let us know and we will try to find a solution.

Charges for information

There is no charge for examining any publication scheme information contained on our website. However, there may be a charge if a large volume of printed material is requested. You will be advised of any charges at the time of your request.

Publication scheme

The publication scheme is divided into seven high level classes of information. The following is a guide to the information that is routinely published by the Trust as part of its normal business activities. The scheme identifies the information that is accessible into the following Categories (Classes of Information), which we have used to clasify relevant documents or pages of information.

Class 1: Who we are and what we do

Class 2: What we spend and how we spend it

A summary of the Trust’s audited annual accounts is published in the annual report and accounts. This also includes information on any major plans for capital expenditure.


Payments over £25k:

Staff pay and grading structures – please refer to remuneration section in the annual report.

Class 3: Our priorities and how we’re doing

Reports and business plans
