People With Disabilities

Our hospitals are designed to accommodate patients and visitors who have disabilities or additional accessibility needs. 

For parking, access, facilities guides, and any other information, please select one of our hospital sites below:

Please click on the banners below for additional information.

Other ways we can assist you

Hospital staff can learn a lot from patients and carers, so don't be afraid to tell staff how they can assist you.

  • Your appointment letter will ask you if you have any additional access needs because of a disability. It will provide you with a contact name, telephone or text number so that you can tell us about your requirements
  • If your GP is referring you to the hospital, you can ask them to flag up any special requirements
  • If you have a physical disability we have equipment available to support you! Please contact the ward in advance to let them know what you will need during your stay with us.
  • The Disability and Equality Team supports patients with any disability or equality issue. Please feel free to contact us with any issues, concerns or questions.
  • A number of patient leaflets can be provided in Easy Read. There are a number of different languages and in audio format, which are available upon request.
  • You can share that you have a disability or condition that may not be immediately apparent by wearing the sunflower lanyard. Our staff are trained to recognise this. For more information about hidden disabilities, please visit the Hidden disabilities website.

Feedback to us

We're always looking for ways to improve, so we welcome feedback and suggestions about our services, including access for patients and visitors who have a disability.

  • In the first instance - patients and carers should discuss any immediate problems, concerns or suggestions with their ward or clinic staff or ward manager.

  • Our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) is always happy to hear your comments and will help to resolve any concerns you have.