The North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust is required by law to protect the public funds it administers. In order to prevent and detect fraud we will share certain supplier information provided to it with HM Cabinet Office, which has responsibility for auditing and administering public funds.
In order to fulfil its requirements, the Trust participates in the annual Cabinet Office’s National Fraud Initiative. This includes an electronic data matching exercise undertaken by HM Cabinet Office to assist in the prevention and detection of fraud. Results are then shared and actioned.
Data matching involves comparing electronic records held by one public body against other electronic records held by the same or another public body. Data matching allows potentially fraudulent payments and claims by suppliers to be identified, investigated and if appropriate, reported to enforcing authorities.
Where a match is found it may indicate an inconsistency that requires further investigation. No assumption is made as to whether there is fraud, error or other explanation until an investigation is carried out.
The Trust is required to routinely provide electronically held data to the Minister for the Cabinet Office for matching purposes. The data submitted for routine matching is: