The NHS is a state funded organisation which provides free hospital treatment to people who are legally living in the UK on a permanent basis. If you are not ordinarily resident in the UK, you will be subject to the National Health Services (Charges to overseas Visitors) Regulation 2011. You may have to pay for your hospital treatment, even if you have a British passport, or have paid National Insurance contributions and taxes in this country in the past.
For more information, please see below.
No, there are a number of circumstances under which you may be entitled to free healthcare.
You will be entitled to free healthcare provided that you have a valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). However, this card only covers free treatment when the need for it arises during a visit and pre-existing conditions that acutely exacerbate here, or in the opinion of a Clinician need prompt treatment to prevent them from acutely exacerbating.
The routine monitoring of chronic/pre-existing conditions is NOT included and free treatment will be limited to that which is urgent in that it cannot wait until the patient can reasonably return home.
The Trust will charge a patient for treatment if a valid EHIC card is NOT present.
BOT of Anguilla, the British Virgin Islands, the Falkland Islands, Montserrat, St Helena and the Turks & Caicos Islands can refer patients specifically for treatment. With the exception of the Falkland Islands, this is limited to four patients per BOT per year.
Referral arrangements are made by the relevant BOT through Department Work & Pensions Overseas Healthcare Team (DWP). If you are hoping to be referred, you should contact the relevant BOT in the first instance. Patients must be in receipt of a formal confirmation to cover them for treatment.
However, if a patient from a BOT is claiming free NHS treatment under Regulation 8(2)(e) - taking up permanent residence. The following evidence will be required:
In order to receive free hospital treatment, you will need to provide evidence that you are legally living in the UK. All patients admitted to this hospital, whatever their nationality and living status, are required to provide examples of evidence when registering their details. If you are living in the UK on a settled basis then you should be prepared to provide evidence.
NHS bodies are legally obliged to charge liable patients for treatment, and recover all money. You will be charged for any treatment given to you outside of the Emergency Department, both in the hospital and the community.
Certain diseases where treatment is necessary to protect the wider public health, are exempt from charge. This exemption will apply to the diagnosis, even if the outcome has a negative result. A list of exempt diseases are available from the Department of Health.
You will not be charged for treatment that you receive in our emergency department. However, where emergency treatment is provided after admission to the hospital as an inpatient or outpatient, this will be chargeable to a non-exempt overseas visitor.
Only clinicians can make an assessment as to a patient's need for treatment. However, no matter what category, liable patients are expected to pay all treatment costs.
Immediately necessary—is the treatment a patient needs (including maternity treatment), to save their life, to prevent a condition from becoming life-threatening, to prevent permanent serious damage from occurring.
NHS Bodies must provide treatment, whether or not the patient has been informed of, or agreed to pay.
Urgent treatment— treatment cannot wait until the patient can reasonably be expected to return home. Payment should be secured before treatment is scheduled.
Non-urgent treatment—routine elective treatment, could wait until the patient returns home. NHS bodies should NOT provide non-urgent treatment if the patient does not pay in advance.