If you have been referred to hospital for an operation or test and you need to stay overnight, it means you're being treated as an inpatient.
If you want to find out more general information about staying in hospital as an inpatient, please visit the NHS article about Staying in Hospital as an Inpatient.
Click the headings below for more information about each category.
On admission you will be welcomed by your named nurse and shown to your room or bay. Please consider bringing the following items to help you have a comfortable stay, and to help us provide the best quality care for you.
If you have been admitted in an emergency, please ask your carer, friend or a relative to bring these items in for you.
Please contact your appropriate team if you have any questions.
Please consider bringing:
*Please tell a member of the ward staff if you use Venalink or blister packs for your medicines
Please note that the mealtimes at all hospitals are protected. We ask family and friends not to visit when patients are eating meals. However, we are delighted if families want to help care for patients, especially if they normally help out at home – please talk to our nursing team.
Hot drinks for patients are available throughout the day at all our hospitals. Please see below for more site-specific information, and ask your relevant team or department if you have any other questions.
All our hot meals are prepared using Steamplicity, an award-winning system for cooking food, and our menus are provided by Medirest.
Meals will be served at the times below:
All our meals are cooked fresh on-site, and in June 2016 we became the only in-house NHS service to be awarded the Gold Catering mark from the Soil Association.
Meals will be served at the times below:
All our hot meals are cooked fresh on site and are prepared using Crown Advantage, a high technology regeneration process for the best quality meal service.
Meals will be served at the times below:
Getting ready for going home may take some time to arrange as there may be a number of people getting ready to leave hospital at the same time. In order for you to be aware and be able to make plans, please always speak to the nurse looking after you so we can confirm what time you're going home.
You may be asked to sit in a waiting area whilst you wait for your discharge letter and the medications you need to take home with you. If you need a sick note for work, please inform the Doctor or Nurse before you leave the ward.
Please make arrangements for your own transport home - hospital transport can only be provided in special circumstances (Please see the section below for more information). If you need hospital-to-home support, we can liaise with our voluntary sector workers on your behalf.