Evaluating patient experience is essential to providing and improving quality health care .
“How do we know if our services meet the needs of
our patients if we do not ask them?”
By asking, monitoring, and acting upon your feedback, we can make improvements in the areas that matter most. As well as identifying areas that need improvement, you can share your good experiences too - we learn just as much from the great stuff!
Diagnostic Imaging has different platforms for collecting feedback:
Friends and Family Test
- You might be given a Friends and Family Test Form that you can fill in whilst visiting one of our diagnostic imaging departments.
A Message to Matron
- This is specifcally for patients to provide feedback to our Diagnostic Imaging Matrons. You can fill in the card whilst visiting one of our Diagnostic Imaging departments and place in the Matron’s Box provided.
Diagnostic Imaging Surveys
- More in-depth Diagnostic Imaging Surveys are sometimes undertaken to harness feedback in specialised areas of the department. These local surveys help to extract more service specific data and shape the future of Diagnostic Imaging.
Your Feedback to us is important.
Thank You.