We have recently developed our Quality and Safety strategy setting out how the Trust will achieve our seven safety ambitions and by embracing continuous quality improvement methodology to embed a culture of quality and safety improvement across the whole organisation. We are committed to the following ambitions:
- Prevent and protect patients from avoidable harm – improving direct patient care so that no patient will suffer avoidable harm.
- Patient engagement and co-production to promote quality improvement – ensuring that all patients who use our services have the opportunity to feedback, shape patient pathways and improve patient experience
- Infection prevention and control – reaching the irreducible minimum of preventable healthcare associated infections
- Reduction in Hospital Standardised Mortality Rate (HSMR) and Summary Hospital-level Mortality Indicator (SHMI) – aiming to place the Trust back within the top 20% of non-specialist acute NHS Trusts
- Provide delay free care – deliver care on time and within cost, meeting or exceeding all national standards in relation to safe, high quality care
- Delivering outstanding Maternity services – providing a positive and safe experience delivered by an outstanding maternity team
- Provide a safe system and culture of care, thereby reducing avoidable harm – developing a culture of transparency, learning from safety incidents and using these to drive quality improvement
The Trust will introduce the recommendations in the Patient Safety Incident
Response Framework (PSIRF); this affects every aspect of patient care and is a common theme throughout all the Ambitions.