We play a major environmental role in our local community affecting not only the air and water quality for those living close to our sites but also the wider environment through the choices we make to limit the damage caused to the climate.
We have made significant progress to reduce our carbon emissions – achieving the NHS target of an 80% reduction (against a 1990 baseline) through investment in a low-carbon electricity tariff and broader efficiency measures. This places us in a good position, but the incremental effort required to reduce each additional tonne of Carbon equivalent increases significantly, so we cannot be complacent.
Our key actions are outlined under ‘Delivering long-term sustainability’ above and are based on developing sustainable models of care, embedding sustainability principles across our organisation and engaging our staff to create a network of Net Zero Heroes. We recognise the large amount of work ahead of us and are taking action to reduce emissions across our transport, our footprint and our people and behaviours to reach the NHS target of Net Carbon Zero by 2040. We will aim to reduce further than this trajectory requires – we will set ambitious targets and monitor progress, reporting out carbon footprint as part of our Annual Report.