Your personalised care support plan

Accessing your personalised care and support plan

If you are booked for care at Hinchingbrooke Hospital or Peterborough City Hospital you have access to My Pregnancy Notes. Visit to register for this service and access it. The My Preferences section is the same as this booklet. You can complete online and discuss with your midwife at your appointments.

You can watch our tutorial on how to self-refer here.

Your preferences

As your pregnancy progresses, your needs and decisions may change. It is important that you make an informed decision, and if complications arise, you should receive information including recommendations, to help you decide on the right course of action for you.

Your health care professionals will discuss their recommendations by explaining:

  • What the situation is
  • What is recommended and why
  • What the possible outcomes would be, with or without this recommendation
  • When the decision should be made
  • If there are any alternatives available

Your consent is very important and only if you give consent will they then carry out what has been recommended. You can always ask questions, including any around medical words which might be used.

  • B What are the benefits?
  • R What are the risks?
  • A Are there any alternatives?
  • I What does your intuition say?
  • N What happens if you do nothing?

Additional Resources

The NHS.UK is a valuable resource for information. You can also visit to find information that will help you to complete your preferences.

My antenatal preferences

My postnatal preferences
Further information on some of the areas discussed and many other topics can be found via the following links:

Urgent and emergency contacts
Your community midwife will provide you with the relevant contact numbers for your local services. For urgent and emergency contacts and any non-urgent concerns about you or your baby you should contact your community midwife, health visitor or GP.

  • Call the NHS 111 service or visit NHS 111 online at if you need urgent medical advice or help. This service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
  • Call the maternity triage/assessment unit where you gave birth (up to 28 days after birth)
  • Speak to your GP
  • Go to your urgent treatment centre or minor injury unit
  • For serious/life-threatening concerns please call 999 or go to A&E