Digital Wellbeing Pack

Your mental health wellbeing is just as important to us as your physical wellbeing. Emotions during and after pregnancy can range from love, pride and joy, to worry, sadness and frustration. It can be natural to feel stressed or anxious at times during pregnancy – or when you have a new baby. These emotions are quite normal.

Finding time to think about yourself whilst you’re pregnant or looking after your baby may feel like a challenge, but making small changes can help you look after your mental health.

  • Keep active: This could be going for a walk, dancing to music at home or gentle yoga. Physical activity can boost your mood
  • Try to get some sleep: Getting good sleep whilst pregnant or with a new baby might sound impossible, but finding time to rest can make a big difference to your mental health
  • Take time to relax: You might feel like you have no time for yourself, or that all you do is sit around at home, but actively taking time to relax can mean more than just watching the TV. Think about what really helps you unwind, whether it’s reading a book, doing some gardening or doing crafts, and try to make a bit of time – even just five minutes – to do something that makes you feel good
  • Ensure you are eating and drinking plenty and adequately

Finding ways to manage day-to-day tasks can take some of the pressure off and help you feel more able to cope.

  • Accept help. If your friends or family members offer to do the shopping, help cook meals or do some cleaning, say yes! There is nothing wrong with needing some support, and your loved ones will probably want to do something practical to help you
  • Cook meals in advance. If you do not have anyone around who can come and help, you can make planning food easier by batch cooking meals in advance and freezing them. Take advantage of times when you have more energy to cook, so you can have access to fast and healthy meals when you are feeling worse
  • Take it slowly. It is easy to start to feel overwhelmed when you are pregnant or looking after a new baby. Try setting yourself 20 minutes to do what you can of a task. Taking things 20 minutes at a time can make tasks feel more manageable
  • Do not pressure yourself. You might want to keep up with all the things you used to do around the house – try not to set unrealistic standards for yourself or get frustrated if you do not do the things you planned to

Who to ask for support?

  • your GP
  • your midwife
  • your obstetrician
  • your health visitor

Our job is to support you, there will be no judgement. 

There are also some services available to you that offer excellent advice, support and/ or treatment for your mental health:

Peterborough and Cambridgeshire 

Psychological Well-being service
How to self refer?

First Response Service
If you think your mental health is deteriorating or you feel that you are in a crisis please call 111 and select option 2. It is available 24/7.


Small Steps:


Steps to Change:
How to self refer:

Mental Health Helpline
If you think your mental health is deteriorating or you feel that you’re in a crisis please call 0800 001 4331, its available 24/7. If your GP, Midwife, Obstetrician or Health Visitor is concerned about your mental wellbeing they may offer you a referral to the Perinatal Mental Health Team. They are a multi disciplinary team of specialist mental health clinicians who support mums and mums-to-be who are experiencing mental health challenges during pregnancy and the first year of motherhood (

For Everyone

Shout: For support in a crisis
Shout is the UK's first free 24/7 text service for anyone in crisis anytime, anywhere. It's a place to go if you're struggling to cope and you need immediate help. Text SHOUT to 85258.
Samaritans :
Call 116 123 (free from any phone) open 24
hours a day, 365 days a year.
Mental Health Matters: Call 0800 001 4331 (available 24 hours a day) for emotional support. MUSHAn app to help mum’s connect locally.

MindA leading national mental health charity with local branch-es, which offers information, advice and support about mental health issues and treatment choices.

Mood Juice : Mood Juice is a site designed to offer information and advice to those experiencing
troublesome thoughts, feelings and actions. From the site you are able to print off various
self help guides covering conditions such as depression, anxiety, stress, panic and sleep
Baby Buddy App:
Baby Buddy for dads.

Get Self HelpOffers a range of resources including information leaflets and workbooks.

Mindfulness and Relaxation: Best BeginningsA charity aiming to empower parents with the knowledge and confidence to look after their own health and their children’s long term development and well-being.
Coping with anxiety Coping with depression
Eating Disorders OCD
Perinatal OCD Support for Dads
Single parent Support with family life
Birth Trauma AssociationA charity that supports women who have had a traumatic birth experience or are suffering
from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after birth.
Best use of medication in pregnancy