We are a small physiotherapy team consisting of 2-3 physiotherapists and a therapy assistant practitioner. We provide a rehabilitation service for neurological outpatients who can attend an outpatient setting. This includes conditions such as stroke, Multiple sclerosis (MS), Parkinson’s disease, Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), neuropathies and Functional Neurological disorder. During an appointment we complete an assessment to discuss a patient’s symptoms and medical history. The physiotherapist then works in conjunction with the patient to decide on appropriate goals and treatment. Our service treatments include self-management, advice, education, exercise programmes, fatigue management, neuromuscular electrical stimulation, Tai Chi and movement retraining. We have a range of equipment we can also use to assist patients in their rehabilitation, includinga therabike, balance boards, parallel bars and neurological plinths.
We work at Peterborough City and Stamford Hospitals. We provide 1:1 clinics as well as running multiple classes. We work closely with the MDT including neurologists and MS nurses. Referrals are accepted by the NHS E-referral system or by letter and can be completed by any health care professional. Patients must be able to attend an outpatient setting and manage their needs independently or with a carer. We do not have access to transfer aids.