Rebecca and Lisa work as part of a job share and they are responsible for the overall management and leadership of the Cancer Wellbeing Service. Between them they ensure that appropriately skilled people are available to deliver the daily planned timetable of activities, organising cover if needed. The collection, monitoring of data is managed by Lisa and Rebecca and they use this data to report progress to the Trust, our commissioners and Macmillan, this includes getting feedback from service users to help inform developments. Rebecca and Lisa take responsibility for the financial management of the service and ensure that donations to the Cancer Wellbeing Service charitable fund are used to support and develop the service. They also work with the Trust’s Communications Team to publicise and promote the work and achievements of the service both within and outside the Trust. Responsibility for compliance with the Trust’s health and safety policies and procedures falls with the pair, and they both enjoy being involved in drop-in front of house duties. |
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Caroline specialises in emotional and psychological support, providing coping skills advice in one to one sessions. She also offers advice on phased return to work, managing fatigue, and other practical issues. Caroline runs some of the workshops/courses including relaxation, fatigue, sleep and brain training. She has responsibility for the delivery of the Moving On course and also covers drop in. |
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Kristin runs a number of the workshops and courses at the centre, including Managing Fatigue, Sleeping Better, Brain Training, Relaxation, Moving On and the HOPE course. She also offers 1-1 sessions for psychological support and coping skills, and she covers drop in when required. |
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Mary runs art/craft courses specifically for those who are struggling with low self- esteem and lack of confidence. Clients are gently encouraged to work on bespoke projects in groups of three enabling them to learn new skills. Mary also offers 1:1 sessions either face to face or video calls, as well as supervising the volunteer run craft courses such as Mosaics or Wire art. As well as this, Mary covers drop in and telephone triaging when required. |
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Marianne is a front of house member of the team, signposting people to the correct agency, course or individual support. She is a facilitator of the HOPE course and responsible for teaching relaxation techniques, as well as assisting with art and craft. |
Jane and Graham are based predominantly at the Information centre, next to the Oncology reception. Their job is to supply information to Cancer patients and anyone else who is involved in helping care for someone with Cancer ( together with helping other professionals in the hospital). Written and verbal information is supplied; websites, telephone numbers and so on. They signpost patients to where they may be able to access more specialised help and advice about Cancer. Cindy and Graham can complete Macmillan grant forms and give out food vouchers for patients who meet the appropriate criteria. They both also have ‘front of house’ duties at the CWS when required. |
Stephen and Sharon are here to help clients who have been diagnosed with cancer. They can carry out a full benefit check to make sure you are getting all the benefits you are entitled to at this difficult time. They can also give advice to people who are on sick pay, and make sure people are receiving the benefits to which they are entitled. Stephen and Sharon can help filling in forms and chasing up claims for clients. Some people think they are not entitled to anything, it is always worth a check. |
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Caroline supports the Wellbeing Service staff administratively. Caroline is responsible for ensuring all publicity such as leaflets and brochures are in stock and up to date, as well as assisting the wider team with IT issues and room bookings. Caroline is the first point of call for donations and charitable requests, and assists Lisa with the management of the volunteers and the social media accounts for the service. |
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Naomi supports people living with cancer, their families and carers from the point they are diagnosed. Anyone with questions can drop in to the Macmillan Information Centre at Hinchingbrooke Hospital, where she is on hand to provide high-quality information on everything from managing your finances, to accessing benefits, finding support groups, receiving emotional and psychological support, and managing symptoms. Part of the one-to-one support she can offer involves signposting people to the right local support and health services for them. |
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Alex Brown is a Macmillan Cancer Wellbeing Assistant. Alex works Mondays and Wednesdays, and supports the wider team with administrative tasks and some front of house duties. |
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Naiomi Barnes is a Macmillan Cancer Wellbeing Specialist (Nurse). Naiomi has been a nurse for 12 years, and all of her career has been within cancer care. Naiomi can help with nutrition and dietary advice, and runs an acupuncture clinic once a week. Naiomi is in the service on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. |
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Clare Scales is a Macmillan Cancer Wellbeing Service Specialist (Physiotherapist). Clare has been a Physiotherapist for 17 years, and worked for North West Anglia Foundation Trust for 14. Clare can help with exercise and diet advice, as well as running an acupuncture clinic once a week. Clare works Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. |
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Jet Watts is a Macmillan Cancer Wellbeing Assistant. Jet works Tuesdays and Thursdays, and supports the wider team with administrative tasks and some front of house duties. |