Infections to be aware of during pregnancy

Group B Strep

Group B Streptococcus (GBS) is a type of bacteria that is found in up to 30% of pregnant women. It doesn't cause problems in most pregnancies but in a small number of cases it can infect the baby and cause serious illness. Most GBS infections in newborn babies can be prevented by giving women who are identified as being at risk antibiotics during labour. For more information you can visit the NHS website.

Hepatits B

Hepatitis B is a viral infection that can be transmitted from infected mothers to their babies at, or around, the time of birth. Babies acquiring infection at this time have a high risk of becoming carriers of the virus. This can be prevented by immunising at birth all babies born to mothers who carry the virus. Those who have the virus, as well as being infectious to others, are at increased risk of developing liver disease. All pregnant women are offered a blood test for hepatitis B in early pregnancy.

Hepatitis C

Screening for Hepatitis C infection will be offered to those mothers who may be at an increased risk of infection. Previous or current intravenous drug use can be a risk factor, especially if syringes have been shared. Approximately 5% of babies born to Hepatitis C positive mothers will acquire the infection. It is important to identify infected babies so that the appropriate care can be provided for them. 


Genital herpes infection can be dangerous for a newborn baby. If you or your partner are infected please let your midwife know.


All pregnant women will be offered a test for HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). If you are found to be HIV postivie or already know that you are, your doctor will need to discuss the treatment options and management of your pregnancy and delivery with you. Specialist counselling is available during pregnancy for women who are HIV postive.

Human paravovirus B19

Human paravovirus B19 or 'slapped cheek syndrome' is very common in children and causes a characteristic red rash on the face. Although 60% of adults are immune to the infection, it is highly contagious and may cause miscarriage in early pregnancy. See your GP or midwife as soon as possible if you think you've come into contact with someone who is infected.

Influenza (flu)

It is advised that all pregnant women should get vaccinated during the seasonal flu vaccination programme. Flu can cause serious illness in pregnant women, and as your body and immune system are adapting to accommodate your growing baby, you are less able to fight off the virus. Pregnant women who catch the flu virus are at an increased risk of complications and flu-related hospital admissions.


Meticillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) represents a group of strains of the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus which is resistant to some antibiotics. This can be transferred by coughing or sneezing. If not treated it can lead to systemic infections ranging from minor skin infection to life threatening blood infections. 

Women that are known to have tested positive will be tested during their pregnancy other high risk women will also be screened these are: 

  • Transferred from another hosptial
  • Have had frequent admissions to any healthcare facility
  • Have been in close contact with someone who is MRSA positive
  • Healthcare workers
  • Have taken repeated courses of broad-spectrum antibiotics
  • Are admitted to a 'high risk' area i.e. Critical Care or Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
  • Have central venous catheters (CVC's) and peripheral venous cannula, urinary catheters, or any other invasive
  • Have certain conditions (i.e. haematology, oncology, renal, diabetes, mellitus etc)
  • Are long stay patients - admitted for more than 28 days


Rubella (also known as German measles) is a viral infection that used to be common in children. The only time that rubella becomes a serious concern is if a pregnant woman catches the infection during the first 16 weeks of pregnancy. This is because rubella virus can disrupt the development of the baby and cause a wide range of health problems. If you have contact with a person with a rubella-like rash or symptoms (rash with or without joint pains), or you have the symptoms yoursefl in the first 20 weeks of preganancy, contact your GP. Women need to be vaccinated for Rubella with the MMR which is now all done by your GP surgery.

Most children in the UK are now immunised against rubella with the MMR vaccine as part of their routine childhood immunisation programme. If you are not immues you will be offered the Rubella vaccination after pregnancy.


All pregnant women are offered screening for syphilis, a disease that is now extremely rare, but screening is important because if you have syphilis, treatment prevents damage to the fetus. A consultant appointment will be made for you in the unlikely event of a positive test result.


This infection can be harmful to unborn babies. It is caused by a parasite found in meat, cat faeces and soil. It is important to wear gloves when you are gardening or changing care litter and ensure you wash your hands well, particularly when visiting parks, famrs, zoos and other places where you may come into contact with animals. Lamb and sheep can carry an organism which is know to cause miscarriage in ewes. They also carry toxoplasma. Pregnant women should avoid all contact with newborn lambs. 


All pregnant women are offered screening for syphilis, a disease that is now extremely rare, but screening is important because if you have syphilis, treatment prevents damage to the fetus. A consultant appointment will be made for you in the unlikely event of a positive test result.


This infection can be harmful to unborn babies. It is caused by a parasite found in meat, cat faeces and soil. It is important to wear gloves when you are gardening or changing care litter and ensure you wash your hands well, particularly when visiting parks, famrs, zoos and other places where you may come into contact with animals. Lamb and sheep can carry an organism which is know to cause miscarriage in ewes. They also carry toxoplasma. Pregnant women should avoid all contact with newborn lambs. 

Whooping cough

It is currently recommended that all pregnant women should get vaccinated against whooping cought when they are 28-38 week pregnant. This is a new recommendation, as there has been a sharp rise in the number of whooping cough cases in the UK. Whooping cough is a serious illness. Babies who get it can develop severe complications and those who are too young to be vaccinated are at greatest risk (babies are vaccinated when they are two months old). Getting vaccinated while you're pregnant may help to protect your baby from developing whooping cough in his or her first few weeks of life. The immunity you get from the vaccine will pass to your baby through the placenta. 

Cytomegalovirus (CMV)

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a common virus that is usually harmless. Sometimes it causes problems in babies if you catch it during pregnancy (congenital CMV).

CMV is similar to the herpes virus that causes cold sores and chickenpox. Once you have the virus, it stays in your body for the rest of your life. Your immune system usually controls the virus and most people never realise they have it. 

CMV is mainly spread through close contact with someone who already has CMV. It can be passed on through body fluids including saliva, blood and urine. 

CMV can only be passed on when it is 'active' - this is when:

  • you catch the virus for the first time - young children often get CMV for the first time at nursery
  • the virus has 're-activated' because you have a weakened immune system
  • you've been re-infected with a different type (strain) of CMV

Pregnant women can pass an 'active' CMV infection on to their unborn baby. This is known as congenital CMV. 

CMV does not always cause symptoms. However, some people get flu-like symptoms the first time they catch CMV other symptoms include: 

  • a high temperature of 38C or more
  • aching mucles
  • tiredness
  • feeling sick
  • sore throat
  • swollen glands

If you do have symptoms, they normally get better on their own within about 3 weeks.