Plans to redevelop our hospital at Hinchingbrooke are continuing, to create a new, purpose-built operating theatres block located between the main hospital site and the Treatment Centre.
This build, worth £30m, forms the second phase of the ongoing redevelopment of the site and follows the completion of refurbished urgent care facilities in November 2020. The new block is designed to replace the theatres in the main hospital building, which are coming to the end of their operational life cycle. A new Modular Staff Change facility will provide office accommodation, some of which was demolished to make space for the Theatre development. A separate scheme is also underway to fit out the ground floor of the new Main Theatres facility. This will be funded through the RAAC programme and will incorporate other services as well as additional Theatres storage into the new Main Theatres building. This will release some of the existing RAAC accommodation.
Find out more about the redevelopment of our Main Theatres Block on our microsite here.