The Cellular Pathology department offers a comprehensive, quality service for surgical and Post-Mortem Histology, Diagnostic Cytology and a Mortuary and Bereavement service for Peterborough City and Hinchingbrooke Hospitals. All the Cellular Pathology samples are processed on one site, (Peterborough City Hospital). The department has almost 50 staff members, ranging from Consultant Histopathologists, Biomedical Scientists and Technical and Administrative Support.
The Histology department handles biopsies, excisions and resections from all over the body, and receiving and processing over 30,000 cases in 2022, generating around 150,000 slides. Histology work closely with Theatres and Out Patients to ensure all patient material is dealt with swiftly and safely.
The Cytology department is available for Sputum, Serous Effusions, Urine, Fine needle aspirates, Bronchial Washings and Brushings and receive and processed over 1,500 cases in 2022, generating over 8,000 slides. Gynaecological Cytology is received into the department, packaged and sent to Norfolk and Norwich NHS Foundation Trust for reporting. The Cytology department attend a number of Rapid On– Site Evaluation (ROSE) clinics at both Peterborough City and Hinchingbrooke Hospitals, working with the Head and Neck and Diagnostic Imaging department allowing for quick diagnosis for referred patients.
The department has completed a digital pathology validation exercise using guidelines provided by the Royal College of Pathologists and has recently become fully accredited with UKAS 15189. We are currently reporting the majority of histopathology cases (excluding screening program pathology) using digital histopathology, with or without glass slide correlation as required/appropriate.