May 5 marks World Hand Hygiene Day – aimed at promoting good practice among health care workers across the globe and empowering them to enhance their knowledge, skills and behaviours.
And when it comes to implementing and sharing good practice closer to home, we have to hand it you the Trust’s own Infection Prevention and Control Team – they have all the know-how at their very fingertips!
Helping to spread the WHHD message, the Team will be spending the run up to the event on Sunday May 5 informing colleagues and visitors on ways in which they can keep their hands clean; explaining the correct ways of handwashing (with soap and water preferred over hand sanitising gel) and sharing some interesting facts about the spread of bacteria.
Infection Prevention and Control Nurse, Michelle Newberry, has also shared details of a clever piece of kit that can help with hand washing techniques.
She said: “The Semmelweis machine uses a UV glow, it does not monitor how dirty your hands are but measures your technique, so you rub the UV gel in using the same technique as washing your hands and insert into the machine, this will then highlight the areas you have missed and give you a score out of 100 and useful tips to improve your technique.”
And staff had the chance to see the for themselves how the machine worked during some recent demos at Peterborough and Hinchingbrooke.
The Trust promotes Hand Hygiene by following the ‘five moments of hand hygiene’ which come from the World Health Organisation: