Staff, patients and visitors at Stamford & Rutland Hospital are supporting a community initiative to reduce food waste and feed ‘bellies not bins’ this Christmas.
A collection point has been set up in the hospital’s reception and is receiving donations of non-perishable food to pass on to Stamford-based charity, Second Helpings, where volunteers work with local suppliers and supermarkets to redistribute surplus food nearing its best before date.
The project is run in partnership with the Stamford Methodist Church and the local community, where donated food is transformed into delicious meals for those who need them the most.
It runs a Saturday café, as well as food bunker and community fridge.
Stamford & Rutland Hospital matron Caroline Robertson said: “This is a great cause that we have supported in previous years and the staff are delighted to be doing so again this Christmas.
“While many of us take for granted the joy of having a cooked meal, particularly during the festive season, it is comforting to know that there is charity right on our doorstep that not only provides this wonderful gesture but also helps to reduce food waste.
“Thank you to everyone who has already donated or plans to donate to our collection. All the food will be donated to Second Helpings to use over the Christmas and New Year period.”
For more details about Second Helpings visit www.secondhelpings.org.uk
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Matron Caroline Robertson with some of the donations currently being collected at Stamford & Rutland Hospital.