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Public invited to Trust’s Annual Public Meeting

Members of the public can participate in the Annual Public Meeting for North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust by attending in person or by submitting questions for the Trust board members to discuss.

The Annual Public Meeting will be hosted in person on Tuesday 17 October at 6pm in the lecture theatre at Peterborough City Hospital.

A presentation will be made about how our teams are expanding the delivery of the Virtual Wards initiative, which enables more patients to receive care at home that is overseen by a consultant. A presentation of the Annual Report and Accounts for 2022-2023 by new Chief Executive Officer Hannah Coffey will then be heard, followed by the Lead Governor’s response to them.  In keeping with our Annual Public Meetings, there will be a question and answer session at the end of the meeting.

Professor Steve Barnett, Chairman of North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust, said: “We welcome members of the public to Peterborough City Hospital on the night, or to submit any questions they have concerning the meeting’s agenda to the Board of Directors for consideration using the email: nwangliaft.trustboard@nhs.net.”

Questions must be received by midnight on Sunday 15 October 2023

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