Members of the public are invited to join our next Board of Directors meeting at the Trust.
We hold board meetings in public every other month, and welcome guests from local communities to hear first-hand how their local hospital is run. Once the formal business is concluded, members of the public are invited to ask any questions they have relating to matters covered in the meeting.
The meeting takes place on Tuesday 9 April at 2pm in the Denis Bracy Room at Peterborough City Hospital.
The meeting will include our Chief Nurse discussing the topic of Learning Disability, which will include stakeholders and the national survey on hospital passports.
For anyone wishing to submit questions relating to agenda items in advance of the meeting, please ensure they are received by 5pm on Sunday 7 April at this email: nwangliaft.trustboard@nhs.net
The agenda and associated papers for the meeting will be available here: Our Board Papers | NW Anglia Website (nwangliaft.nhs.uk)