Eye patients from around Peterborough, Huntingdon and Stamford are invited to support a local charity which is helping to transform the lives of communities in Africa.
Read Eye project to help African communities see more clearly…Staff at Stamford & Rutland Hopsital are a step closer to reaping the benefits of a new Sanctuary Space - thanks to the North West Anglia Hospitals' Charity.
Read Hospital staff Sanctuary Space nearing completion at Stamford…One of the major side effects of cancer treatment can be hair loss. But a new look service is offering patients a safe, relaxing and practical space when it comes to discussing the issue.
Read Confidence-boosting salon style service available to cancer patients…Well done Trust IT guru Trish Poulter on playing an important role in the recent national NHS Hack Day.
Read App idea to support teenager mental health showcased at NHS event…