October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month - and the Trust is reminding women to keep their NHS screening appointments.
Read Women urged to keep potentially lifesaving breast screening date…Lynda Hard, Staff Nurse in Ophthalmology, has had various nursing roles over the years since joining the team at Hinchingbrooke in 1983 at the age of 18. Here she shares her story:
Read Hinchingbrooke celebrates 40 years - Lynda Hard…Mick Collins remembers the exact date he started working at Hinchingbrooke Hospital. It was 17 January 1983 and he worked as a Security Guard on the building site as the hospital was being developed. 40 years on and he is still here and has had a variety of roles. Here he shares his story.
Read Hinchingbrooke celebrates 40 years - Mick Collins…Sarah Carter joined the team at Hinchingbrooke 40 years ago and hasn’t left since then. She joined the Special Care Baby Unit team before working her way up the ranks to Deputy Sister and has found that she is regularly recognised by parents of children who have been in Special Care.
Read Hinchingbrooke celebrates 40 years - Sarah Carter…This year marks 40 years since Hinchingbrooke Hospital first opened its’ doors in 1983, after the Huntingdon County Hospital and Primrose Lane Maternity Hospital transferred across to the new site. Here, Facilities Helpdesk Administrator, Beverley Balls, shares her memories.
Read Hinchingbrooke celebrates 40 years - Beverley Balls…