Peterborough City Hospital's breast care unit coffers have received a £16,500 boost - thanks to the annual Ladies Charity Lunch support by over 200 women from the local business community.
Read Charity lunch adds £16,500 to Peterborough breast care unit coffers…Peterborough City Hospital successfully hosted another East of England Regional event for Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) on Tuesday 3 October.
Read Local hospital successfully hosts East of England Regional Event…The Trust that runs Peterborough City, Hinchingbrooke and Stamford and Rutland Hospitals has appointed a new Non-Executive Director to its Board of Directors.
Read Trust appoints new Non-Executive Director…Public invited to meeting of the Trust Board of Directors at Hinchingbrooke Hospital on Tuesday 10 October 2023.
Read Virtual wards in the spotlight at Trust board meeting…It's not every day you take to the skies with a former aerobatic champ - but here's why cancer nurse Mel decided to climb aboard!
Read Daredevil cancer nurse Mel takes fundraising to new heights…