North West Anglia Hospitals' Charity has received over £500,000 in doantions over the past year which has helped to fund a number of projects to enahnce patient experience and staff wellbeing.
Read Hospitals' Charity donations spent on staff wellbeing and patient experience…The Trust will host its public Governor meeting at 3pm on Thursday 16 November in the George Hotel, George Street, Huntingdon.
Read Public Council of Governors meeting to be held…Well done to our Stamford and Rutland Hospital staff who were honoured at this year's Trust Outstanding Achievement Awards
Read Stamford staff recognised at coveted hospital awards ceremony…Patients in Fenland awaiting surgery can now benefit from a brand-new clinic that offers care closer to home ahead of their planned operation at Doddington Hospital .
Read Doddington Hospital offers new clinic for patients awaiting surgery…Volunteers at Peterborough City Hospital have been learning a new skill to better support members of the Deafblind community.
Read New Deafblind volunteer service at Peterborough Hospital…November is Men’s Health Awareness Month – with prostate cancer topping the topics. Urology Department lead at North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust, Jyoti Shah MBE is using the backdrop of ‘Movember’ to raise awareness of prostate cancer.
Read Prostate cancer tops the topics during Men’s Health Awareness Month…