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PLACE Assessments - We Need You!

Are you passionate about improving the patient experience in our hospital? Could you offer a small amount of your time this October to support a long-standing NHS Digital project?

If you:

  • Can be objective
  • Can work as part of a team
  • Would like to help improve our services
  • Fancy a free lunch...!

Then we need YOU to help with our PLACE assessments!

What are they?

PLACE - which stands for the Patient-Led Assessments of the Care Environment - focuses on the inspections of the quality of privacy, food, cleanliness, maintenance, and the support of patients with dementia and disability. This type of Assessments at our hospital sites has been carried out annually for a number of years by people who use the services – patients, relatives, carers, friends, patient advocates, volunteers or trust members and governors – supported by staff. The assessment is organised by the Soft FM team and PLACE Lead for the organisation. 

Assesments are taking place at Peterborough City Hospital (Friday 6 October) Hinchingbrooke Hospital (Monday 09 Oct) and Stamford and Rutland Hosptial (Friday 13 Oct) and last from 2-6 hours (normally less than 6). Training is available before the audits in person at Peterborough City Hospital or via Microsoft Teams, so all assessors feel comfortable and equipped to carry out the PLACE assessment effectively.

Aside from supporting the organisation with identifying improvements to standards in terms of building maintenance and service provision, you will also receive:

  • Free parking
  • Travel costs are covered
  • Free meal and beverages
  • Full training and support

I’m in! What do I need to do now?

If you are interested in registering to become a patient assessor and would like to find out more, please get in touch with our team below!

We've also included some documents below with all the details you might need! So take a look and let us know if you have any questions!

Documents and Details!

Please see the full details of the assessment day and roll in the document below!

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