A new app for international nurses, midwives and allied health professionals has launched across the East of England.
The app, called InterN Eastern Region, was funded by Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Integrated Care System and provides digitally driven information to help support an individual’s career, continuing professional development and pastoral care, at the start of their NHS journey and beyond. International colleagues brought their own insight and experiences to help build and design the app, tailoring it the needs of their colleagues and outlining where they’ll work, where to find accommodation, training and development opportunities and local contacts.
Sherly Yeldo, Career Development Coach for Internationally Educated Nurses for the Trust, said: “I’m really pleased to have been able to work on this app and bring it to the Trust, it’s a really positive step for us to be taking. This app brings inclusivity and diversity to the forefront and it’s great that our international colleagues can download it before coming across to the UK, meaning they can begin their pastoral care remotely and get familiar with our Trust.”
Staff can download the app on their personal mobilesby heading over to the App store (iPhone) or Google Play Store (Android) and installing the Health Zone UK app by searching InterN – Eastern Region.