Work on a brand-new Sanctuary Space to allow staff to step away from the fast-paced hospital environment is nearing completion.
Thanks to funding from the North West Anglia Hospitals’ Charity, an unused room at Stamford & Rutland Hospital is receiving a £5,000 makeover to provide a quiet and calming space for staff to take a break in.
The beautifully decorated Sanctuay Space will also be equipped with a few home comforts; offering access to one-to-one support or just a space to step away from the noise to enjoy a few calming minutes.
The Hospital’s Charity initiative is part of North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust’s ongoing commitment to the wellbeing of all its staff and will complement the already established and well-used staff garden at Stamford & Rutland Hospital.
The imminent arrival of some comfy chairs will complete the project to complement the calming and uplifting décor.
Matron Caroline Robertson said: “The Sanctuary Space will offer a beautifully decorated and calming room with comfortable furniture to allow staff that vital downtime during the day, to step away from a few moments allowing them to recharge and take a well-deserved break.”