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Help us find first Hinchingbrooke babies to celebrate hospital’s 40th

Huntingdon-born people turning 40 this September may be among the first babies to have been delivered at the newly-opened Hinchingbrooke Hospital in 1983.

The maternity team at the hospital are appealing to local communities to help locate the first babies delivered in the unit as part of the hospital’s 40th anniversary celebrations in September.

Photo of maternity staff at Hinchingbrooke Hospital in 1983 presenting flowers to new mum and first baby born in the new unit.

Rowena Chilton, Head of Midwifery a Hinchingbrooke Hospital, said: “Archive footage of the new maternity unit shows new mums and their babies with commemorative cuddly toys and we would love to know if any of these mementos have been kept.

“It would be fantastic to hear the stories from the first mums to deliver on our unit and to compare how our services have developed in the past 40 years.

“We cannot think of a better way to look back over how far we have come, which is particularly poignant now that we are planning for a new Hinchingbrooke Hospital by 2030.”

If you were born at Hinchingbrooke Hospital in September 1983 we would love to hear from you. Contact: nwangliaft.communications@nhs.net

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