The Council of Governors at North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust will meet at The George Hotel in Huntingdon next week.
The Trust will host its Governor meeting at 3pm on Thursday 16 November in the George Hotel, George Street, Huntingdon.
Members of the public are invited to attend the meeting to see how the Governors are involved in the running of their local hospitals.
Steve Barnett, Chair of North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust, said: “We will be pleased to welcome the public to our meeting in person.
“Our Governors will receive updates on each of our hospitals and the Winter Plan, along with Assurance and Governance updates for our Trust.”
The papers for the meeting are available to view on our Council of Governors website page.
Questions relating only to the agenda items can be raised during the Public Council of Governors meeting or received by the Chairman via email by the deadline of 5pm on Tuesday 14 November. The email address to use is: Nwangliaft.trustboard@nhs.net